Table 5-12. TxMessage_0:Ctrl Flags
BIT | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 0E |
| |
| Abort |
| /// | /// | /// | /// | /// | /// | /// | /// |
| /// | /// | /// | /// | /// | /// | TRX | |
| Tx |
| Table |
| Field Name | Description |
| ID_28:ID_0 | Message Identifier for Both Standard and Extended Messages |
| Standard messages use ID_28 .. ID_18 |
| D_63:D_0 | Message Data |
| Byte 1 is D_63, D_56; Byte 2 is D_55, D_48; and so on. |
| RTR | Remote Bit |
| IDE | Extended Identifier Bit |
| DLC_3:DLC_0 | Data Length Code |
| Invalid values are transmitted as they are, but only in 8 data bytes. |
| TxAbort | Transmit Abort |
| Set this flag to request the removal of the pending message in Tx message buffer. This |
| occurs the next time when an arbitration loss occurred. The flag is cleared when the |
| message either was removed or won arbitration. The TRX flag is released at the same time. |
| TRX | Message Transmit Request |
| 1 = starts a |
| while TRX is ‘ 1’ ! When the whole message is successfully transmitted, TRX goes LOW. |
| 0 = do not start a |