4.8 | 2WayTunnel | ADJUST: Speed |
This is a variation of IntoTunnel. The source approaches and enters the tunnel, then turns around and comes back. Use ADJUST to control the speed.
4.9 FinishLineADJUST: Speed 1–100
This preset adds two pairs of stereo delays to the basic
The Presets
Ambience Effects
(P1 3.7 – P1 4.9) cont'd.
0.0 | StereoLoPass | ADJUST: CutOff |
This effect is a combination of a stereo low pass filter and a stereo reverb, with the two effects in parallel. Use ADJUST to set the cut off frequency of the filter. The reverb mix is turned all the way down — you can add reverb by changing the FX Mix parameter in the Soft Row, where you’ll also find additional parameters for delay voices, and image.
0.1 Low Pass HiQADJUST: Cutoff 0–127
The same basic effect as StereoLoPass, but with feedback adjusted to produce a more resonant filter. ADJUST sets the cutoff frequency of the filter.
0.2 Low Pass LFOADJUST: Depth 0–127
The cutoff of the stereo low pass filter is swept with a rhythmic LFO sine wave. Press Tap to synchronize the sweep with rhythmic material. ADJUST controls the low frequency limit of the sweep.
0.3 StereoHiPassADJUST: Cutoff 0–127
A combination of a stereo high pass filter and a stereo reverb, with the two effects in parallel. Use ADJUST to set the cutoff frequency of the filter. The reverb mix is turned all the way down — you can add reverb by changing the FX Mix parameter in the Soft Row, where you’ll also find additional parameters for delay voices, and image.
0.4 StereoB-Pass ADJUST: Center 0–127
A combination of a stereo band pass filter and a stereo reverb, with the two effects in parallel. Use ADJUST to set the center frequency of the filter. The reverb mix is turned all the way down — you can add reverb by changing the FX Mix parameter in the Soft Row, where you’ll also find additional parameters for delay voices, and image.
0.5 Stereo NotchADJUST: Center 0–127
A variation of
0.6 SweptNotchesADJUST: Rate0–100
This preset produces
0.7 Env NotchesADJUST: Release 0–100
This preset will produce vocalization effects from dynamic sources. The inputs are summed to mono, and the notch filters which are tuned to vocal formants are swept by the resulting input envelope. ADJUST controls the release rate of the input envelope.