PCM 80 User Guide | Lexicon |
Assigning a Destination Once you have selected a Source, press Load /✱ and the display will change to allow you to assign a Destination (Dst).
SELECT will move you across the Patch row
The asterisk (✱) indicates that Destinations will be se- lected when you turn ADJUST. Press Load /✱ to bring up the Values display where you can assign Src Value and Dst Value. Press Load /✱ again to return to Source selection, etc.
Patch 0 ✱Dst
The Edit matrix row label for the
currently assigned parameter is Rvb Time Ref Lvl L shown here.
The name of the current Destination assign- ment is shown here. (✱✱✱Unassigned✱✱✱
will appear across the bottom display line if no assignment is selected.)
Turn ADJUST to scroll through all of the parameters in the Edit matrix of the currently loaded effect, including the Modulation parameters.
Once you have assigned a parameter as a Destination, the controller you have assigned “owns” that parameter. Adjustments made to this parameter from the Edit matrix, will only affect the initial value of the parameter when the program is loaded.
The behavior of the parameter on program load is determined by the setting of the Patch Update parameter in Control mode (1.7). This parameter can be set to Immediate or Delayed.
When Immediate is selected, the initial value of the parameter value will correspond to the controller position.
When Delayed is selected, the stored value of the parameter will continue to be in effect until the controller is moved. (It is, therefore, a good idea to set a sensible value to the parameter in the Edit matrix.)
Mod Row parameters that can be assigned as Patch Destinations
LFO | Rate, Shape, P Width, Depth |
AR ENV | Attack, Release, Mode |
Env L | Release |
Env R | Release |
Sw 1 | Rate, P Width, Mode |
Sw 2 | Rate, P Width, Mode |