The Algorithms and Their Parameters
An example application of Key, Scale, Root, Rule and Voice Pitch Intervals. Pitch cont'd.
Active resonators set to 3.
The Key is C.
The Scale is Major.
The Root is 1. (C Major Ionian)
Voice 1 Pitch is assigned to Unison.
Voice 2 Pitch is assigned to +3rd.
Voice 3 Pitch is assigned to +5th. (Basic triad)
1.Pitch Assign:C4. Voice 1 will resonate at C4, Voice 2 at E4, and Voice 3 at G4. (Standard chord in the key based on the tonic)
2.Pitch Assign: D4. Voice 1 will resonate at D4, Voice 2 at F4, and Voice 3 at A4. (Standard chord in the key based on the supertonic)
3.Pitch Assign: E4. Voice 1 will resonate at E4, Voice 2 at G4, and Voice 3 at B4. (Standard chord in the key based on the median)
4.Pitch Assign: B4. Voice 1 will resonate at B4, Voice 2 at D5, and Voice 3 at F5. (Standard chord in the key based on the leading tone)
Rule: Round Down: Voice 1 will resonate at C#/Db4, Voice 2 at E4, and Voice 3 at G4 diminished
Round Up: Voice 1 will resonate at C#/Db4, Voice 2 at F4, and Voice 3 at A4 augmented
Shift Down: Voice 1 will resonate at C#/Db4, Voice 2 at E4, and Voice 3 at G#:Ab4 minor
Shift Up: Voice 1 will resonate at C#/Db4, Voice 2 at F4, and Voice 3 at
G#:Ab4 Major