PCM 80 User Guide


Gain Effects

(P2 2.5 – P2 4.0) cont'd.


Spin & Duck

ADJUST: Spin Rate


In this preset, panning is combined with 6-voice chorus delays and reverb to produce a rich spacious effect. ADJUST controls the panning rate. 0 = slow, 127 = fast. The delays are tempo controlled and ducked by input level. They won’t be heard during active passages, but will fade up in the spaces between phrases.

3.0 MultiFxFadeADJUST: FX Mix 0–100

In this preset, the AR envelope is used to create a moderate fade-in of chorus, delay and reverb effects. ADJUST controls the mix of chorus/delay and reverb. The Soft Row has all the essentials for tweaking the three basic effects, as well as the AR envelope parameters so you can fine tune the fade in rate and threshold. Try this with guitars and keys.

3.1 GhostADJUST: FadeShape 0–100

Source material is accompanied by a ghostly image of itself. Not quite reverb, not quite

backwards audio. ADJUST controls the

contour of the fade in of the effect. This preset

works well with short percussive sources as well as more sustained ones.


Ghost Flange

ADJUST: FadeShape 0–100

This is a variation of Ghost with some flanging added. Try this with lead guitar. ADJUST controls the contour of the fade in.



ADJUST: FadeShape 0–100

Another Ghost variation. This one will produce a delayed vibrato on sustained notes. ADJUST controls the contour of the fade-in.

3.4 AutoFadeIn 1ADJUST: FX Mix 0–127

This preset senses input level to produce an automatic volume swell into a chorus/delay reverb effect. Sounds great with guitar and keyboard chords.The fade in rate is moderate. ADJUST controls the mix of chorus/delay and reverb effects. The Soft Row includes parameters for all three effects as well as the envelope parameters which set the characteristics of the fade-in.


AutoFadeIn 2


Fade Rate


This variation of AutoFadeIn allows you to set the fade-in rate with ADJUST.



AutoFadeIn 3


Rvb Lvl


This variation of AutoFadeIn 1 has shorter delay times and a lighter touch on the chorus effect. ADJUST sets the mix of chorus/delay and reverb effects.

3.7 ChordSwellsADJUST: Rvb Lvl 0-127

A more dramatic version of AutoFadeIn. The fade time is quite long, and the chorus and delay effects are fairly strong. Try it with sustained piano or guitar chords. ADJUST controls the mix of chorus/delay and reverb.

3.8 BowedChordsADJUST: FX Mix 0–100

A more subtle version of AutoFadeIn. Chorusing is turned off and delays are more subdued. This is essentially a volume swell into reverb. Use it to pull cello-like tones from sustained notes or block chords. Very nice with grand piano. ADJUST sets the mix of clean echoes and reverb.

3.9 BowedEchoesADJUST: FX Mix 0–100

In this preset, input level controls echo feedback as well as triggering the fade-in. Feedback is reduced when the signal is loud and turned up when the signal fades out. This produces echoes with soft attacks that appear when the input signal drops. ADJUST controls the mix of echoes and reverb.


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Lexicon PCM 80 manual Gain Effects P2 2.5 P2 4.0 contd