Service Checks
Charge Brush Service Check
Note: The charge brush charges the photoconductor and is located inside the photoconductor unit.
| FRU | Action |
1 | Photoconduc- | Spots and marks can be caused by a defective |
| tor Unit | charge brush inside the photoconductor unit. |
| If there are any spots or marks, especially ones |
| that appear in the same spot on the printed |
| page, replace the photoconductor unit. |
| Check the photoconductor unit for a damaged |
| charge brush contact. |
2 | Main Drive | Be sure the main drive motor and gears are |
| Motor Gears | operating correctly and turning the charge |
| brush. |
3 | Charge Brush | Check the charge brush bias contact located on |
| Bias Contact | the right side frame for damage, corrosion, wear |
| (right side | or pitting. Intermittent failure of the charge brush |
| frame) | contact can cause an all black page, horizontal |
| black bars or lines. If any of these are found, |
| replace the charge brush bias contact. |
4 | Photoconduc- | Check the photoconductor unit ground contact |
| tor Unit | on the right side frame for damage. Intermittent |
| Ground Con- | failure of the photoconductor unit ground contact |
| tact | can cause print quality problems such as an all |
| black page, horizontal black bars or lines. If any |
| of these are found, replace the photoconductor |
| unit ground contact. |
5 | HVPS board | Unplug the machine and check the HVPS for |
| correct mounting, pitted or discolored contacts. |
| If the HVPS is damaged, replace as necessary. |
| If no problems are found replace the photocon- |
| ductor unit assembly. |