lose connection to printer 148
Web site finding 7
WEP 87 ad hoc 92
WEP key
key index 109 locating 99
installing printer on wireless network 89
Windows software Abbyy Sprint OCR 19 Fast Pics 19
Fax Setup Utility 19
Fax Solutions software 19 Printer Home 19 Printing Preferences 19 Service Center 19 Toolbar 19
Tools for Office 19 Wireless Setup Utility 19
wireless 96, 107 Macintosh 96
printer does not print 139 troubleshooting 140, 148
wireless network
adding a printer to existing ad hoc network 95
common home configurations 100
creating an ad hoc network using Macintosh 92
creating an ad hoc network using Windows 92
information needed for setting up wireless printing 88
installing printer on (Macintosh) 89 installing printer on
(Windows) 89
interference 104 resolving communication
problems 149 security 87
security information 100 signal strength 104 SSID 99 troubleshooting 133
types of wireless networks 103 wireless network compatibility 87 wireless print server
not installed 146 wireless settings
changing after installation (Mac) 91
wireless setup information needed for 88
wireless signal strength 104
wireless signal absorption 104 wireless troubleshooting
cannot print over wireless network 134
changing wireless settings after installation (Mac) 91
changing wireless settings after installation (Windows) 91
photos do not print from memory card across wireless
network 133
printer and computer on different networks 105
printer works intermittently on wireless network 149
orange 141
description of colors 90 light is not lit 139
WPA 87
WPA passphrase locating 99
WPA2 87
WPS 95