6.4 poweroff
If you want to turn the system power off (e.g., to move the chassis, etc.) you must first run the poweroff command before turning the power switch off.
No ‘break’ commands will be sent on the serial Ports during a SCS system poweroff cycle. Your servers will not be adversely affected.
poweroff may be manually run at any time, if required. The save command is
The only way to recover from a poweroff command is to turn the system power off and then turn the power back on.
6.5 Other Linux Commands
The following Linux commands, among others, will be used with the SCS systems.
Use logout to quit your session with the system.
Use man <command name> to search for a help file (online manual pages) or descriptive information for that Linux / UNIX command.
The default root password should be changed by the root user, as soon as possible to prevent access by anyone other than authorized personnel. To change the default root password, type passwd (all lower case) at the root login prompt.
Use scp for secure copy, using ssh, between two hosts. The process is encrypted and inherently secure.
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