32-Bit VLIW Floating-Point Primitive Setup Engine Supports Flat and Gouraud Shading
Supports High Quality Dithering Supports Bump Mapping
Supports Z-Test, Stencil Test, Alpha Test and Scissors Clipping Test Supports Z Pre-Test for Reducing Texture Read DRAM Bandwidth Supports Individual Z-Buffer and Render Buffer at the Same Time Supports 16/24/32 BPP Z Buffer Integer/Floating Formats Supports 16/32 BPP Render Buffer Format
Supports 1/2/4/8 Stencil Format
Supports Per-Pixel Texture/Fog Perspective Correction
Supports MIPMAP with Point-Sampled, Linear, Bi-Linear and Tri-Linear Texture Filtering Supports Single Pass Two MIPMAP Texture, One Texture on Clock
Supports up to 2048x2048 Texture Size
Supports 2’S Power of Width and Height Structure Rectangular Texture Supports 1/2/4/8 BPP Palletize Texture with 32 Bit ARGB Format Supports Palette for High Performance Palette Look Up
Supports 1/2/4/8 BPP Luminance Texture
Supports 1/2/4/8 BPP Intensity Texture
Supports 8/16/24/32 BPP RGB/ARGB Texture Format Supports Video YUV Texture in All Supported Texture Formats
Supports MIP-Mapped Texture Transparency, Blending, Wrapping, Mirror and Clamping Supports Fogging and Alpha Blending