Problem | Solution |
How do I see the | To see the most recent calls you |
calls that I made | dialled or received, open the call |
or received? | history list. See “Viewing Call History” |
| on page 47. |
My screen is too | You can change the level of screen |
light or dark. | brightness. See “Setting Screen |
| Brightness” on page 75. |
What can I do to | Your battery’s performance is |
extend battery | affected by charge time, feature use, |
life? | temperature changes, and other |
| factors. For tips on extending your |
| battery life, see “Battery Use” on |
| page 20. |
Why are my | Check that your Music preferences |
audio files not | (Edit > Preferences) are set to show the |
appearing in the | particular file type. |
Music |
application? |
Why are the | The file must be stored in the proper |
audio, video, or | directory to appear in the application. |
image files on | See pages 107, 117, and 121 for |
the Memory | instructions. |
card not |
appearing in the |
Music, Video, or |
Pictures |
application? |