copying files, 2 - 56

copying from/to a TFTP server , 2 - 56 copying source files, 2 - 53

copying the running configuration, 2 - 56 copying the startup configuration , 2 - 56 Crossover Cables, 1 - 14

current power available

power system statistical parameters, 2 - 47


data bits

console serial port settings, 2 - 30 day

one-time summer time hours configuration , 2 - 44

summer time hours configuration, 2 - 42 default password, 2 - 5

designating a switch fabric, 2 - 48 destination filename

configuration file management, 2 - 55 diagnostics

for switch hardware, 2 - 48 dial-up networking

configuring with a PPP serial port console, 2 - 33

displaying IPX RIP interface statistics, 2 - 1 displaying the cooling system status, 2 - 47 displaying the power system statistics , 2 - 46 document conventions , viii documentation

feedback, vii online , viii

documentation feedback , vii domain name

VTP snooping parameters, 2 - 24 duplex mode

10/100 port parameter, 2 - 14 Fast Ethernet module, 2 - 13


editing general system information, 2 - 38 Ejectors, 1 - 14

electrostatic discharge preventing , 1 - 4

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) , 1 - 4 enabling controller redundancy, 1 - 21 enabling fast start mode for all ports on a

module , 2 - 27

enabling fast start mode for individual ports, 2 - 27

enabling gigabit ports , 2 - 10, 2 - 12 enabling SNTP, 2 - 39

enabling the rate limit mode Fast Ethernet module, 2 - 13


one-time summer time hours configuration , 2 - 43

summer time hours configuration, 2 - 41


Fast Ethernet module auto-negotiation mode, enabling, 2 - 13 configuring , 2 - 12

rate limit mode, enabling, 2 - 13 Fast Ethernet module, configuring

auto-negotiation duplex advertisement , 2 - 13

auto-negotiation speed advertisement, 2 - 13

duplex mode , 2 - 13 flow control mode, 2 - 13 pace priority mode , 2 - 14 port name , 2 - 12

rate limit burst size, 2 - 13 rate limit rate, 2 - 13 service port , 2 - 13 speed mode, 2 - 13

user port , 2 - 13 fast start

switch port configuration para- meters, 2 - 20

fast start mode configuring , 2 - 27

fast start mode (all ports) enabling, 2 - 27

fast start mode (individual ports) enabling, 2 - 27

fault-tolerant switch fabric designating, 2 - 48

Female DTE-to-RJ-45 connector, 1 - 2 files

copying, 2 - 56 startup.txt , 2 - 51

filler panel removing, 1 - 11

flow control

console serial port settings, 2 - 30

Cajun P880 Switch Installation Guide


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Motorola manual Cajun P880 Switch Installation Guide