My Phone Number
To display your phone number:
1.Press - (Menu) or K to access the main menu.
2.Select PhoneBook and press K or - (Select).
3.Select My Phone # and press K or - (Select). (Your phone number will display.)
4.To return to the previous page, press K or - (OK).
Speed Dial Numbers
Your phone allows you to assign or remove Speed Dial locations for up to 99 numbers in your Phone Book.
1.Press - (Menu) or K to access the main menu.
2.Select PhoneBook and press K or - (Select).
3.Select Speed Dial #’s and press K or - (Select). (The Speed Dial list will display.)
4.Select an empty location and press K or - (Assign).
5.Select the phone number from the PhoneBook and press K or - (Select) to assign the Speed Dial location to the number.
6.To remove a speed dial number, press - (Remove) or K. (Pressing L/R will move the select bar to the previous/next assigned Speed Dial locations. U/D scrolls through the list of speed numbers, both assigned and unassigned Speed Dial locations.)
7.Press - (Yes), K, or + (No).
Section 2: Understanding Your PCS Phone