To fax an e-mail message

With the system’s fax features, you can deliver your e-mail messages to any fax machine. Your system manager must turn on this feature for you.

You can receive a fax of a particular e-mail message, or you can receive all new fax and e-mail messages plus their text attachments. See “To fax all of your e-mail messages with a single call” on page 118.

If you have a regular fax machine that you use to receive your faxes, you can use that fax machine. If you want faxes delivered to a different fax machine, you simply just need to enter that fax number.


1Call the voice messaging system, and enter your personal ID and security code if prompted.

2Press 4 to check new messages.

3Press 6 for old messages (e-mail messages you have already read).

4Follow the system prompts to check any new voice or fax messages first.

5If prompted, enter your e-mail password, followed by .

If your password uses any letters, press # # , then refer to the password charts table on page 117 for guidelines.

6 When presented with the e-mail message you want, press 1 .

NEAXMail IM-16 LX User Guide

Checking E-mail by Phone 116