To redirect (forward) a message to another subscriber

See also


To check new messages..............


To review an old message...........


When you redirect or forward a message, you send a copy of the message to another subscriber.

The system lets you:Redirect a message to another subscriber.Record an introduction to the message.

Edit your introduction or set special delivery options for the redi- rected message.

NOTE The system does not let you redirect messages that are designated as private by the original sender.


1 While listening to a message, press 3 9 to interrupt it, or press 9 after a message.

2Do one of the following:

Press 1 to record an introduction, then press when finished.

Press 2 to skip recording an introduction.

3Follow the system conversation to edit the introduction or set special delivery.

4On the phone, spell the last name of the subscriber, usually the first three letters of the subscriber’s last name, to whom you are redirecting the message. Otherwise, press # # and enter the extension number.

When spelling a subscriber’s last name, use a “wild card” number (typically 1 ) for any letter in the last name you do not know.

NEAXMail IM-16 LX User Guide

Checking Messages 30