To leave a message when you call an extension

See also


To send a message directly to


another person’s mailbox ...........


To send a message to a group ...


To send a message to a guest




To send a message to a subscriber

at another location......................


If you call a subscriber’s extension and the call is unan- swered, your call is automatically routed to the sub- scriber’s mailbox where you can leave a message.

If your phone system uses identified subscriber messaging, the system automatically identifies the message as coming you and your assigned extension.

If your phone system does not use identified subscriber messaging, or if you are calling from another subscriber’s extension, you need to identify yourself as a subscriber by entering your personal ID and security code.

You can also send messages directly to a subscriber’s mail- box. See “To send a message directly to another person’s mailbox” on page 60.


1Call another subscriber. If the subscriber does not answer, the call is automatically forwarded to voice mail.

2Follow the system instructions to record your message by pressing

1for Yes or 2 for No.

3Press # to start over, or press to stop recording.

NOTE For the keys you can use during a message, after listening to a message, or at any time, see “To use systemwide commands” on page 17.

NEAXMail IM-16 LX User Guide

Sending Messages 62