Changing Your Greetings

Callers hear a greeting before they leave a message. Your mailbox can play one of three greetings: standard, alternate, or busy. You can record your own custom greetings, or use the default greetings recorded in the system voice.

The types of greetings are:

Standard greeting Greeting played to callers when your phone is unanswered.

Alternate greeting Greeting used for special occasions. For example, when you are out of the office or on vaca- tion.

Busy greeting Greeting played to callers when you are on your phone.

Default greetings Default standard, alternate and busy greeting included with the system.

This section explains how to use greetings. By phone, you change your greetings with setup options. Depending on the features you have installed, you may also be able to use Mailbox Manager to change your greetings by computer.



To set up or change your standard greeting ......


To change your alternate greeting......................


To switch between your standard


and alternate greetings........................................


To change the greeting when your


phone is busy ........................................................


To turn your busy greeting on or off ...................


To use the default greetings ................................


NEAXMail IM-16 LX User Guide

Changing Your Greetings 34