To find out who has not yet received a group message

The system tells you when everyone in a group has received your message. If you do not get this confirmation, the system can tell you who in the group has not yet heard the message.


1Start to leave a new message to the group.

The system says that some members have not heard your last message.

2Press 1 to review the message.

3Listen to the message or press 2 to interrupt it.

4Press 7 to list who has not heard the message.

5Press to stop the list.

NOTE For the keys you can use during a message, after listening to a message, or at any time, see “To use systemwide commands” on page 17.

See also


To send a message directly to


another person’s mailbox............


To send a message to additional


subscribers ..................................


To send a message to a


subscriber at another location ....


NEAXMail IM-16 LX User Guide

Sending Messages 76