HS1100 Wireless Hotspot Gateway User Manual
yUtilities for network debugging
The console interface provides several utilities to assist the Administrator to check the system conditions and to debug any problems. The utilities are described as follows:
¾Ping host (IP): By sending ICMP echo request to a specified host and wait for the response to test the network status.
¾Trace routing path: Trace and inquire the routing path to a specific target.
¾Display interface settings: It displays the information of each network interface setting including the MAC address, IP address, and netmask.
¾Display the routing table: The internal routing table of the system is displayed, which may help to confirm the Static Route settings.
¾Display ARP table: The internal ARP table of the system is displayed.
¾Display system up time: The system live time (time for system being turn on) is displayed.
¾Check service status: Check and display the status of the system.
¾Set device into “safe mode”: If the administrator is unable to use Web Management Interface via browser for the system failed inexplicitly. The administrator can choose this utility and set it into safe mode, which enables him to manage this device with browser again.
¾Synchronize clock with NTP server: Immediately synchronize the clock through the NTP protocol and the specified network time server. Since this interface does not support manual setup for its internal clock, therefore we must reset the internal clock through the NTP.
¾Print the kernel ring buffer: It is used to examine or control the kernel ring buffer. The program helps users to print out their
¾Main menu: Go back to the main menu.