Using Last.fm Internet Radio
Last.fm is a music service that learns what you
Your new Onkyo AV receiver is very clever. If you have a free Last.fm account, it will keep track of all the songs you’ve just played. When you visit the Last.fm website, you can see personal charts of the music you’ve enjoyed, share them with friends and see what they like, too.
With thousands of biographies, reviews and an endless choice of personalised,
UK and Germany only:
Get a subscription and you can enjoy the best of ad- free Last.fm Radio on your Onkyo AV receiver without
Recommended Radio:
Discover smart personalised recommendations that adapt as your tastes change.
Artist Radio:
Pick any artist and we’ll play you a whole station of music inspired by your choice.
My Library:
Sit back and enjoy selections from all the music you’ve heard since you joined Last.fm.
Tag Radio:
Polish funk? Death pop? Think of a style and we’ll entertain you with it for hours.
Start your free trial straight away when you create your account and see for yourself what it’s like to have the world’s music at your fingertips. Latest prices and full information are available at www.last.fm/subscribe
1 Use q/wto select “Sign in to your account”, and then press ENTER.
If you have the existing Last.fm account, you can sign in to your account to select “Sign in to your account”. Enter your user name and password in the next keyboard screen.
■Using the keyboard screen
1.Use q/w/e/rand the ENTER to enter your user name and password.
2.Select “OK”.
3.Press ENTER. The “Confirm your entries” screen appears.
4.Press ENTER.
“Please wait...” appears and then “Last.fm Internet Radio” screen appears.
•If you want to use multiple user accounts, see “Using Multiple Accounts” (➔ page 1). Login can be made from the “Users” screen.
2 Use q/wto select menu and then press
ENTER. Search Station:
You can search station by Artist, Tag, or User Name.
Top Artists Station:
You can play tracks of
Top Tags Station:
You can play tracks of
Personal Station:
You can play tracks from personalized station (“Your Library”, “Your Neighbourhood” and “Your Recommendations”).
Using Internet Radio
You can play tracks from “Recently Listened Tracks”, “Library” and “Neighbours”.
Account Info:
Confirm your account information.
Sign Out:
It signs out from your account.
3 Use q/wto select a station, and press ENTER or 1 to start playback.
Playback starts and the playback screen appears.
Enabled buttons: 1, 2, 6
■Menu Items
I Love this track:
Track information is saved in Last.fm server, and playback frequency increases.
Ban this track:
Track information is saved in Last.fm server, and playback frequency reduces.
Add to My Favorites:
Adds a station to My Favorites list.
■Using scrobbling control
Use q/wto select “Enable”, and then press ENTER.
*Internet radio services provided by a third party may be terminated with or without notice.
Internet radio services may not be available in some areas.