Key | Type | Editable | Description |
authentication.set | Boolean | Y | Declares whether the proxy server requires |
| authentication. The default is false. |
authentication.username | String | Y | User name if authentication is required. |
authentication.password | String | Y | Password if authentication is required. |
This is the properties file for the email adapter. It is in the WE_
HOME/server/classes/oracle/panama/adapter/mail directory.
Table 10–17 Parameters of the File
Key | Type | Editable | Description |
JavaMail.USER_ | Integer | Y | Number of message headings displayed at one |
| time under a message folder. The default is 6. |
JavaMail.EMAIL_ | Integer | Y | Number of characters displayed for a long |
| message. The default is 100. |
10.18 Master.Properties
This property file is read by the master instance when the Multiple Virtual Machine option is used. It is in the WE_HOME/server/classes/oracle/panama/master directory.
Table 10–18 Parameters of the File
Key | Type | Editable | Description |
rmi.registry.port | Integer | Y | Master instance RMI registry port. |
| The default is 2007. |
db.connect.string | String | Y | Database connect string. |
db.driver | JDBC | Y | Specifies which of the following |
| Driver |
| type of JDBC driver will be used, |
| THIN, V7, or V8. Default is THIN. |
rmiThreadPool.minThreads | Integer | Y | Minimum number of threads in |
| the RMI thread pool. The default |
| is 10. |