Manual Configuration
4.For UNIX only, to display the images from the Personalization Portal properly, set the DISPLAY environment variable in the jserv.properties file to configure access to the host on which the server runs:
a.If the X server runs on the same machine as the Wireless Edition server, set the DISPLAY environment variable in the jserv.properties file as follows:
From the X server host machine (x_server_host_name in the following example) run the following command:
xhost + <x_server_host_name>
b.If the X server runs on a different machine (x_server_host_name in the following example) than the Wireless Edition server, set the DISPLAY environment variable in the jserv.properties file as follows:
From the X server host machine, run the following command using the Wireless Edition host (wireless_edition_host_name in the following example):
xhost + <wireless_edition_host_name>
Note: For both cases, remain logged into the Console while the xhost commands are executed. Otherwise, properties set through the xhost command may be lost and images may not be displayed properly in the Personalization Portal.
5.Configure the zone.properties file. The zone.properties file is in the ORACLE_ HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc directory.
a.In the List of Repositories section, add the Wireless Edition specific repository to the existing repository line with a comma (,) separator:
For Windows:
repositories=<ORACLE_HOME>\Apache\Jserv\servlets,<WE_ HOME>\serverportal,<WE_HOME>\server\papz
repositories=<ORACLE_HOME>/Apache/Jserv/servlets,<WE_ HOME>/server/portal,<WE_HOME>/server/papz