Configuring the Server, Client, and Middle-tier
4.Append the ptg_services.tcl file name to the nmiconf.1st file found in the ORACLE_HOME/network/agent/config directory.
The agent discovers the Wireless Edition service using these files.
5.Edit the ptg_services.tcl file to configure the instance(s) information. See Section 6.4 for instructions on setting up the ptg_services.tcl file. Configuration for a default instance name (PTG1) is provided as an example.
Note: The Oracle Intelligent Agent must be restarted whenever any change is made to the ptg_services.tcl file or to the nmiconf.lst file.
After completing the preceding instructions, install the Wireless Edition Data Gatherer cartridge. The Oracle Intelligent Agent uses this cartridge to collect Wireless Edition performance data. The Performance Manager and Capacity Planner use the collected data to provide runtime metrics for diagnosis.
The cartridge installation steps differ according to the hardware platform. Wireless Edition Data Gatherer Cartridge Installation: Unix
To install the data gatherer cartridge:
Important: The cartridge installation requires an Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.2 Console and Oracle Intelligent Agent 8.1.7 on the server side.
2.Copy CART_DIR/lib/libvpxptg.so to the ORACLE_HOME/odg/lib directory.
3.Copy CART_DIR/mesg/vpxptgus.msb to the ORACLE_HOME/odg/mesg directory.
4.Copy CART_DIR/html/vpxptgUS.htm to the ORACLE_HOME/odg/html directory.