Configuring the Personalization Portal for Load-Balancing
3.Copy the default zone.properties file in ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Jserv\conf to zone_pp.properties. In this file, ensure that the session.useCookies parameter has a value of true.
root.properties= ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Jserv\conf\zone_pp.properties
4.Modify the various Wireless Edition specific properties files. The default location for these files is in the <WE_HOME>\server\classes directory. Create a copy of this directory and modify the properties files so that each of the JServ instances has a unique port number and other resources. For example, the directory should appear as <WE_HOME>\server\classes. In the <WE_ HOME>\server\classes4\oracle\panama\core\admin\ directory, modify the System.properties file.
a.Set the unique identifier for this instance: instance.identifier=instance
b.Set the following parameter to true to ensure that the instance participates in cache synchronization:
c.Set the enable.http.session.binding to false.
d.Set the following to point to the machine and port where the Master Instance for Cache synchronization is running. It should have the same value for all instances. Ensure that the port number (2007 in this case) is the same as the one specified by the rmi.registry.port parameter in the Master.properties file on the machine running the Master instance.
e.Set the following in the AsynchNotification.properties file in the <WE_ HOME>\server\classes\oracle\panama\core\admin\ directory to:
f.Set the following in the AsynchRequest .properties file in the <WE_ HOME>\server\classes\oracle\panama\core\admin\ directory to:
g.Set the following in the Ftp.properties file in the <WE_ HOME>\server\classes\oracle\panama\core\admin\ directory to:
Multiple JVM Support and Load Balancing