Configuration for Another Wireless Edition Instance
set HostName($ServiceName2) $Host;
set tnsaddress($ServiceName2) "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL
Note: Place this file in ORACLE_HOME/network/agent/config. Add this file name to nmiconf.lst. To reflect any change to either file restart the Oracle Intelligent Agent and rediscover the node.
6.5 Configuration for Another Wireless Edition Instance
The preceding configuration is for one Wireless Edition instance. To configure another Wireless Edition instance:
1.Ptg_services.tcl: Add another entry in the ORACLE_ HOME/network/agent/config/ptg_services.tcl file. Give this instance a different service name. See Section 6.4 for instructions and an example.
2.Minstances.properties: Add a corresponding instance’s <instance name > = <property file name> entry to the ORACLE_ HOME/classes/oracle/panama/magent/config/MInstances.properties file. The RMI client uses this information to communicate with the corresponding server. Each instance is monitored using a Magent.properties file which contains the Wireless Edition server host name, port, and service name. In the case of multiple instances, these are identified by these values. The Minstances.properties file should point the instance name to the corresponding Magent.properties file. For example, for two instances:
3.Magent.properties: Configure the Magent.properties file on both the client and server side to point to the new instance’s classes and port. Users can have any number of instances but each instance’s information is stored in a separate property file.
4.Ensure that an Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent is installed on the node where the Wireless Edition instance is running. The Wireless Edition instance uses the Agent to pipe error messages to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.
5.The System.properties.templ file contains parameters for the system logger and the logger schema. Ensure that these are set up appropriately.