Database Logging
4.2.1 Configuring the Database Logger
The database logger of a Wireless Edition instance must point to a database schema to log the information. This configuration is done in the System.properties file of each Wireless Edition instance.
#System Logger related parameters
#Number of minutes after which the logger thread wakes up to flush
#the log entries to the database. This parameter is optional. SystemLog.logger.wakeupFrequency=10
#The maximum number of entries cached by the logger thread.
#This parameter is optional.
#Whether service logging should be enabled SystemLog.enableServiceLogging=true
#Whether session logging should be enabled SystemLog.enableSessionLogging=true
#The request listener class locator.request.listener.classes=oracle.panama.core.admin.SystemLogger
#The session listener class locator.session.listener.classes=oracle.panama.core.admin.SystemLogger
#Enable event request logging
#Enable event session logging event.session.begin=true event.session.end=true
#System Log Database connect string <String>
#Syntax for this property is similar to db.connect.string
#System Logs can be present in a separate database
# NOTE: For the OEM cartrige queries, Make sure the user specified below has