Configuring the Personalization Portal for Load-Balancing
h.Set the following in the Notification.properties file in the <WE_ HOME>\server\classes\oracle\panama\core\admin\ directory to:
i.Set the following in the Rmi.properties file in the <WE_ HOME>\server\classes\oracle\panama\core\admin\ directory. This is the port number on which the RMI server runs:
j.Set the following in the
k.Set the following in the MAgent.properties file in the <WE_ HOME>\server\classes\oracle\panama\magent\config directory. This is the same as the rmi.server.port setting in Rmi.properties in the <WE_ HOME>\server\classes\oracle\panama\core\admin directory.
l.Set the path to the class files to reflect the per instance classes in the Spatial.properties file in the <WE_ HOME>\server\classes\oracle\panama\spatial\ directory.
Now the instance can be started using the batch file in Section 5.6.3.
5.6.3 Sample Batch File
The following is a sample batch file for manually starting and stopping Oracle HTTP Server. Classes for hooks or other features should be added at the end of the file.
set classpath=%classpath%;ORACLE_HOME\java\lib;PORACLE_HOME\Apache\jdk\lib set classpath=%classpath%;ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Jserv\ApacheJserv.jar
set classpath=%classpath%;ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Jsdk\lib\jsdk.jar set classpath=%classpath%;<WE_HOME>\server\classes%1
set classpath=%classpath%;<WE_HOME>\lib\panama.zip
set classpath=%classpath%;<WE_HOME>\lib\panama_core.zip set classpath=%classpath%;<WE_HOME>\lib\panama_portal.zip set classpath=%classpath%;<WE_HOME>\lib\panama_papz.zip set classpath=%classpath%;ORACLE_HOME\jdbc\lib\classes12.zip