3.2.2 Notification Queue
The result of an alert execution, if any, together with the alert creator’s default alert address, is placed in the notification queue. The Wireless Edition dequeues notification messages out of the notification queue. If the alert address is an email address, the result is sent out as an email message. If the alert address is a phone number, the result is sent out as SMS to the specified phone number.
3.2.3 Email-based Alert
If the result of a delivered alert is an email message, set the following entries in the Notification.properties file in the WE_ HOME\server\classes\oracle\panama\core\admin directory:
#The smtp server hostname, mandatory <hostname> mail.server.name=
#The mail domain name, set if SMTP server requires this <domainname> mail.domain=
#The from mail address, mandatory <email address>
#The organization, optional <string> mail.organization=
#The default mail subject, mandatory <string> mail.subject=
3.2.4SMS-based Alert
If the result of a delivered alert is a SMS message, configure the
Notification.properties file in the WE_
HOME\server\classes\oracle\panama\core\admin directory. SMS-C Server
Configure the following entries to specify the host on which the
#the hostname on which the
#the port on the sms.server.name from which the
Generally, the Wireless Edition uses direct TCP/IP communication to the
Alerts and SMS Request Listener