events 61, 134, 139, 140 items in pick lists 29 on-device guide 2 overdue tasks 134 personal calendar 134 photos 116, 117, 122 private entries 194 Quick Tour 2

signal strength 69 slide shows 118 tasks 139, 145, 146 unread messages 71,

134, 139

video clips 116, 118, 122 video recording time 114 voicemail messages 69 web addresses 104 web pages 97, 99

DOC files 149 documentation 1, 2, 25, 75 Documents application 149–

150 Documents icon 150 Documents To Go icon 150 Documents To Go software

149 downloading

applications 102, 161 attachments 81

email messages 84 files 101, 160 ringtones 61 support information 3

Downloads bookmark 102 downward-pointing arrows

29 drafts 79, 89 Drafts button 79 drained battery icon 12 draining the battery 10, 11,


Draw on Photo command 114

drawing tools 114 drivers 173

Due Date pick list 144 due dates 144, 146


earpiece 7, 46 eBooks 17 echoes 216

Edit Bookmark List dialog box 101

Edit Bookmarks command 100, 101

Edit Favorites Button command 54

Edit Favorites Pages command 53, 55

Edit Playlist dialog box 128 edit screens 28

editing. See changing Effects pick list 116 email

accessing 75, 78–88, 198 adding multiple addresses

to 54

adding signatures 87 attaching photos to 79,

114, 119 attaching ringtones 80 attaching videos to 79,

115, 119

attaching voice memos to 153

creating 78, 97 customizing 84–87defining favorite buttons

for 54 deleting 83, 224 dialing from 41 downloading 84 forwarding 82 removing attachments for

79 replying to 82

I N D E X 249

Page 255
Image 255
Palm Treo 755P manual 134, Downloading, 115, Attaching voice memos to