adjusting brightness 184, 197

aligning 185 automatically turning off

37, 197 battery life and 13 disabling 47, 189, 191 locking 190

moving around on 23, 25 protecting 7, 208 scrolling through 26 selecting items on 27, 29 troubleshooting 207–208turning on or off 37, 197,

218 waking up 37

screen fonts 184 screen protectors 208 scroll arrows 81 scroll bars 26 scrolling 26, 98 scrolling preferences 105 SD cards 235 SD_Audio folder 126 search results 157 searching for

contacts 40, 61, 132 specific characters 157 text 103, 157

secondary applications 33 secure connections 106 secure web pages 98 secure websites 97, 223 security 58, 195 Security button 193, 194 security certificates 97 Security dialog box 193 security software 189 Select Font dialog box 184 Select Media screen 80 selecting

alarm tones 140 applications 34, 177 chat sessions 91, 92 dates 135 favorite buttons 41 home city 141 items in pick lists 29 items on screen 27 menu items 28 music 127

phone numbers 42 photo albums 117, 119 playlists 128

songs 127 text 27, 105 time zones 135

video albums 118, 119

wallpaper 60, 121 web links 98

self-portrait mirror 8 Send button 7, 42, 79 Send command 165 Send From pick list 165 Send To Device droplet 125 sending

applications over Bluetooth 165

calls to voicemail 44 email 79, 90, 97 information over Bluetooth


messages 43, 88, 94 photos 79, 114, 119 to chat rooms 92 video clips 115, 119 voice memos 153

Sent folder 94 servers 21, 198 service contracts 1 service providers 69, 75, 76

See also wireless service provider


alarm clocks 142 passwords 45, 193, 194

setting up smartphone 2, 10

I N D E X 265

Page 271
Image 271
Palm Treo 755P manual Waking up, Contacts 40, 61, 132 specific characters 157 text 103