information in entry screens 194

Pics&Videos toolbar 118 private entries 194 web browser toolbar 103

High Priority command 89 highlighted buttons 26 highlighting

applications 34 favorite buttons 41 items in pick lists 29 items on screen 26 menu items 28 phone numbers 42 text 27, 103

web links 27, 98 hints 193

History command 103 History list 103 Hold button 46, 49 holidays 137

home city 141 home page 104 home page icon 99, 104 HotSync Log 211 HotSync Manager 173, 228 HotSync manager 172 HotSync Manager icon 172,


HotSync Setup button 171 HotSync technology 228 hypertext links. See web



icons 99, 187 Ignore button 44

Ignore with Text button 44 image file types 102, 117 images

disabling web page 98, 105

downloading 102 saving 102

selecting as wallpaper 60 transferring 17, 224 troubleshooting 222

importing phone numbers 144

Inbox 27, 81, 94 Inbox icons 82 Incoming dialog box 86 incoming messages 94 incoming phone calls 43, 49,

60, 190

incompatible applications 17, 201

Incompatible Apps directory 16

indicator light 7, 11, 12 Info command 17, 163 Info screens 163 information

accessing 192 backing up 17, 21, 205 beaming 167 changing 15

entering 15, 30–31, 195 erasing all 208

hard resets and 192 losing 179, 192, 205 marking as private 194–

195 masking 189, 194 protecting 189, 192 receiving over Bluetooth

connections 165 sending over Bluetooth connections 164

storing 17, 155, 175, 224 synchronizing 15, 19, 21,

168–174, 212 transferring 16, 22, 166 updating 15, 21, 155

infrared port

beaming from 167, 168

I N D E X 253

Page 259
Image 259
Palm Treo 755P manual 210, Icons 99, 187 Ignore button, Entering 15, 30-31, 195 erasing all