Operating Instructions
•If the image is not displayed properly, try the following 2 URLs.
1.http:// IP address(or URL):Port Number/MobileH for HTML.
(or .viewnetcam.com:50000/MobileH)
2.http:// IP address(or URL):Port Number/MobileX for XHTML.
(or .viewnetcam.com:50000/MobileX)
•Some mobile phones are not compatible with Panasonic Network Cameras. Some phones may allow viewing only on port 80, and some may not support password authentication. See the Panasonic Network Camera support website below for a list of mobile phones, and their level of compatibility with the Panasonic Network Camera.
•Some mobile phones display images at a decreased size.
•If [Permit access from guest users] or [Permit access from guest users (mobile only)] is selected, users can access mobile
•Only administrators can operate the Sensor log and Buffer/Transfer.
Panasonic Network Camera support website: