Ambient Operating Temperature: Ambient Operating Humidity:
Power Source and Power Consumption: Dimensions (without lens):
Weight (without lens):
Network Section
Image Resolution:
Image Process:
Image Refreshing Rate:
Traffic Control:
Protocol Supported:
OS Applicable:
Browser Applicable:
Camera Section
Scanning Area:
Video Output:
Horizontal Resolution:
Dynamic Range:
Minimum Illumination:
Gain Control:
White Balance:
Sense Up:
Super Dynamic2:
Electronic Light Control:
Lens Mount:
ALC Lens:
Control Terminals:
12 V DC, 700 mA
70 mm (W) x 65 mm (H) x 118 mm (D)
752x568, 752x280, 368x280, 176x136 pixels
JPEG (quality selectable Super Fine/ Fine/ Normal/ Rough) Fast/ Middle/ Slow/ Very Slow
32 kbps, 64 kbps, 128 kbps, 256 kbps, 512 kbps, 1 024 kbps, Unlimited TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DHCP, and DNS
Windows98 SE, Windows NT 4.0, Windows2000, Windows ME, or Windows XP
Internet Explorer 5.01 SP2, 5.5, 5.5 SP2, 6.0, or Netscape Communicator 4.73, 4.78
753 (H) x 582 (V) pixels, Interline Transfer CCD
4.8(H) x 3.6 (V) mm (Equivalent to scanning area of 1/3”
15.625 kHz
50 Hz
Internal, or Multiplexed Vertical Drive (VD2)
50 dB (Equivalent to AGC Off, Weight On)
46 dB
0.8lx (0.08 footcandle) at F1.4 (C/L),
0.1lx (0.01 footcandle) at F1.4 (B/W)
Set Variable (SET UP MENU)
OFF, AUTO (x2, x4, x6, x10), FIX (x2, x4, x6, x10, x16, x32) ON or OFF (SET UP MENU) selectable
1/50 (OFF), 1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1 000,1/2 000, 1/4 000, 1/10 000 s selectable
DC or Video selectable
Alarm In:
OFF (Open or 2 V DC - 12 V DC)/ ON (0 V 0.4 mA) Alarm Out:
OFF (Open or 4 V DC - 5 V DC)/ ON (≤ 1 V 50 mA) Pulse/ Latch selectable
Auxiliary Out:
OFF (Open or 4 V DC - 5 V DC)/ ON (≤ 1 V 50 mA) Day/Night In:
OFF (Open) / ON (0 V 0.2 mA)
Weights and dimensions indicated are approximate. Specifications are subject to change without notice.