The pound symbol #, shown in the table below, designates the slot number.
LF 6600 DOC Operating Mode Messages
| ||||
| |
Inserting Cartridge # | Inserting # | Insere# | Einfügend | |
| |
Loading Media # | Loading # | Charger # | Ladend # | |
| |
Drive Ready (Cartridge # not Locked(1) | # Ready | # Prêt | # Bereit | |
| |
Drive Ready (Cartridge # Locked1 | Locked | Verrouillé | Gesperrt | |
| |
Drive Reading Cartridge # | Reading # | Lecture # | Lesend # | |
| |
Drive Writing Cartridge # | Writing # | Eriture # | Schreibend # | |
| |
Unload Cartridge # | Unloding # | Decharge # | Entladend # | |
| |
Removing Cartridge | Removing # | Retir Disk # | Entfernend # | |
| |
Moving to Cartridge # | Moving to # | Deplace # | Gehe Zu # | |
| |
Cartridge # Positioned | # Positioned | Positione # | # In Pos | |
| |
Shuttle in Home Position | Home | Origine | Ruheposition | |
| |
Drive is in Rest | SCSI reset | SCSI Reinit | SCSI Reinit | |
| |
Illegal Request (Spindown Disabled/ | Denied | Refuse | Abgelehnt | |
Door Locked) |
| |
| |
Drive is Testing Itself | Selftest | Autotest | Selbsttest | |
| |
Drive is Scanning Media # | Scanning # | Scanning # | Media Prüf # | |
| |
Insert Cartridge # | # Inserted | # Insere | # Eingelert | |
| |
Shuttle is being Initialized | Init Shuttle | Init Shuttle | Shuttle Init | |
| |
Slot # in Shuttle is Empty | # Empty | # Vide | # Leer | |
| |
Door is Open | Door Open | Porte Ouvert | Türe Offen | |
| |
Shuttle Moving to Home Position | Move to Home | Depl Origine | Zur Ruhepos | |
1 "Locked" means that the host has issued a PREVENT MEDIA REMOVAL command.
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