Chapter 21-Collaboration ServerAdministration and Utilities
Polycom, Inc. 21-13
Mode. The minimum number of voice ports that can be allocated is 10 (2 video ports x 5
voice ports per video port) in MPM and MPM+ Card configuration Modes and 12 (3 video
ports x 4 voice ports per video port) in MPMx Card configuration Mode.
3Click OK.
Configuring the Video/Voice Resources in MPM+ and MPMx Mode
There are two Resource Capacity modes in MPM+ and MPMx Mode:
Flexible Resource Capacity
Fixed Resource Capacity
Flexible Resource Capacity
Flexible Resource Capacity is the default resource allocation mode in MPM+ and MPMx Mode
and is functionally identical to the MPM Flexible Resource Capacity described above.
To allocate Audio Only ports in MPM+ and MPMx mode:
1Optional (otherwise skip to step 2): If the MCU is in Fixed Resource Capacity mode:
aIn the RMX menu, click Setup > Video/Voice Port Configuration.
The Video/Voice Port Configuration dialog box opens.
bIn the Resource Capacity Mode box, select Flexible Resource Capacity.
cClick OK.
2In the RMX menu, click Setup > Video/Voice Port Configuration.
The Video/Voice Port Configuration dialog box opens.
If switching from Fixed mode, all video resources are allocated as CIF video ports.
3Continue with Step2 of the MPM Mode Flexible Resource Capacity procedure described
Fixed Resource Capacity (for AVC-based Conferencing)
To allocate resources in Fixed Resource Capacity mode:
Resource re-configuration should only be performed when no conferences are running on the
Updating the configuration sequentially requires a 10 seconds wait between updates, to let the
system complete the update process.
From Version 8.1 MPM+ media cards are not supported.
On the RMX1500 MPMx-Q assembly, the use of HD with Continuous Presence requires an
additional license. In the Resource Report and Resolution Configuration panes, HD settings are
displayed but are not enabled and if HD is selected the system will enable SD by default.
Resource re-configuration (if the system is already set to Fixed Resource Capacity mode) should
only be performed when no conferences are running on the MCU.
From Version 8.1, Fixed Resource Capacity Mode is not supported. Only the Flexible Resource
Capacity Mode is supported.