Chapter 21-Collaboration ServerAdministration and Utilities
Polycom, Inc. 21-65
•SZ = Size
SU = Startup (Y/N) during the log file duration
Retrieving the Logger Files:
1Select the log files to retrieve. Multiple selections of files are enabled using standard
Windows conventions.
2In the Logger Diagnostic Files dialog box, click the Browse button.
3In the Browse for Folder window, select the directory location to save the Logger files and
click OK.
You will return to the Logger Diagnostic Files dialog box.
4Click the Retrieve Files button.
The log files (in *.txt format) are saved to the defined directory and a confirmation
caption box is displayed indicating a successful retrieval of the log files.
Viewing the Logger Files:
To analyze the log files generated by the system, open the retrieved *.txt files in any text
editor application, i.e. Notepad, Textpad or MS Word.
1Using Windows Explorer, browse to the directory containing the retrieved log files.
2Use any text editor application to open the log file(s).