Chapter 23 - Ultra Secure Mode
Polycom, Inc. 23-13
CRL (Certificate Revocation List)
A CRL contains a summary of the installed Certificate Revocation Lists.
By clicking the column headers the
Certificate Revocation List
can be sorted by:
Issued To
Issued By
Expiration Date
If the CRL List is not valid for any reason an Active Alarm is created and a message is
displayed. The RP Collaboration Server Web Client/RMX Manager connection to the
Collaboration Server is not disabled.

Adding a CRL

To add a CRL to the repository:
Repeat steps 1 - 7 for each CRL that is to be added to the Certification Repository.
1In the CRL List tab, click the Add button.
2The Install File dialog box is displayed.
3Select the Certificate File Format: PEM or DER.
4Enter the certificate file name in the Install File field or click the Browse button.
File Types