Chapter 21-Collaboration ServerAdministration and Utilities
Polycom, Inc. 21-37
Defining the SNMP Parameters in the Collaboration Server
The SNMP option is enabled via the Collaboration Server Web Client application.
The addresses of the Managers monitoring the MCU and other security information are
defined in the Collaboration Server Web Client application and are saved on the MCU’s hard
disk. Only users defined as Administrator can define or modify the SNMP security
parameters in the Collaboration Server Web Client application.
To enable SNMP option:
1In the Collaboration Server Web Client menu bar, click Setup > SNMP.
The Collaboration Server-SNMP Properties - Agent dialog box is displayed.
This dial og box i s used t o defin e the bas ic info rmatio n for th is MCU th at will be used by
the SNMP system to identify it.
2In the Agent dialog box, click the SNMP Enabled check box.
3Click the Retrieve MIB Files button to obtain a file that lists the MIBs that define the
properties of the object being managed.
The Retrieve MIB Files dialog box is displayed.
4Click the Browse button and navigate to the desired directory to save the MIB files.
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Table 21-16 SNMP MIB entities that do not generate traps (Continued)
Key Description Comment