3–48 Configuring the Printer
Configuring IGP/VGL With The Control Panel
Matching certain printer operational settings to the host computer is known

printer configuration

. The settings, or configuration parameters, such as
selecting the host interface and parallel/serial data input, are adjusted
according to the printer function key descriptions in this manual. Configure
IGP/VGL as you would configure the printer for other features.
You can select IGP/VGL default parameters directly from the control panel as
explained in this chapter.
The IGP/VGL parameters are described on the following pages. Parameters
marked with an asterisk (*) indicate the default value. The printer must be
off-line to enter the configuration structure.
Pressing an invalid key to enter a parameter value may move you to another
level in the configuration or exit the configuration menu completely.
Using the appropriate function key, move through the printer configuration
structure until the emulation options are displayed, and select IGP/VGL.
NOTE: BEFORE you reconfigure IGP/VGL parameters, print a
configuration sheet to see all of the current settings.
The IGP/VGL sub-menu, which is accessible from the control panel menu, is
shown on the following page.