Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
| Message | Cause | Solution |
| The selected | You have tried to delete | Files can be deleted by the person who |
| file(s) which you | files without the authori- | created the file. To delete a file which |
| do not have ac- | ty to do so. | you are not authorized to delete, contact |
| cess privileges |
| the person who created the file. |
| |
| to could not be |
| deleted. |
| Updating the des- | The destination list is be- | Wait until the message disappears. Do |
| tination list... | ing updated from the | not switch off the power while this mes- |
| Please wait. | network using SmartDe- | sage is displayed. |
| Specified desti- | viceMonitor for Admin. |
| Depending on the |
| |
| nation(s) or |
| |
| number of destinations |
| |
| sender's name has |
| |
| to be updated, there may |
| |
| been cleared. |
4 | be some delay before you |
| ||
| ||
| can resume operation. |
| |
| |
| Operations are not possi- |
| ble while this message is |
| displayed. |
| Parallel I/F | An error has occurred in | Turn off the main power switch, and |
| board has a prob- | the parallel interface | back on again. If the message appears |
| lem. | board. | again, contact your service representa- |
| tive. |
| Printer font er- | An error has occurred in | Check the font settings. |
| ror. | the font settings. |
| Memory Overflow | Maximum capacity of PCL | Reduce the value of [Resolution] in the |
| or PostScript 3 list display | printer driver, or select [Frame Priority] |
| has been exceeded. | from [Memory Usage] in [System] (see |
| “Printer Features”, General Settings |
| Guide). If this message continues to ap- |
| pear after taking these steps, decrease |
| the number of files sent to the machine. |
“Printer Features”, General Settings Guide