Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function













The selected

You have tried to delete

Files can be deleted by the person who



file(s) which you

files without the authori-

created the file. To delete a file which



do not have ac-

ty to do so.

you are not authorized to delete, contact



cess privileges


the person who created the file.







to could not be















Updating the des-

The destination list is be-

Wait until the message disappears. Do



tination list...

ing updated from the

not switch off the power while this mes-



Please wait.

network using SmartDe-

sage is displayed.



Specified desti-

viceMonitor for Admin.




Depending on the




nation(s) or




number of destinations




sender's name has




to be updated, there may




been cleared.




be some delay before you







can resume operation.









Operations are not possi-





ble while this message is














Parallel I/F

An error has occurred in

Turn off the main power switch, and



board has a prob-

the parallel interface

back on again. If the message appears





again, contact your service representa-













Printer font er-

An error has occurred in

Check the font settings.




the font settings.









Memory Overflow

Maximum capacity of PCL

Reduce the value of [Resolution] in the




or PostScript 3 list display

printer driver, or select [Frame Priority]




has been exceeded.

from [Memory Usage] in [System] (see





“Printer Features”, General Settings





Guide). If this message continues to ap-





pear after taking these steps, decrease





the number of files sent to the machine.







“Printer Features”, General Settings Guide