When a Message Is Displayed














Connection with

The correct Network set-

• Check the network settings of the cli-



the destination

tings are not made.

ent computer.


has failed. Check


• Check that components such as the


the status and


LAN cable are connected properly.


connection. To


• Check that the server settings are


check the current


correct and the server is working


status, press




[Scanned Files















The entered user name

• Check that the user name and pass-



with the destina-

or password was invalid.

word are correct.


tion has failed.


• Check that the ID and password for


Check settings.


the destination folder are correct.


To check the cur-


• A password of 64 or more characters


rent status,


may not be recognized.


press [Scanned





Files Status].














Sender's name is

The sender's name was

A sender's name should be specified be-


not selected.

not specified.

fore sending e-mail. Send e-mail after


Please specify


specifying the sender's name.


sender's name.









Exceeded max. E-

The maximum e-mail

• Increase the size of [Max. E-mail Size].



mail size. Send-

size has been exceeded.

• Set [Divide & Send E-mail] to [Yes (per


ing E-mail has


page)] or [Yes (per max. size)].


been cancelled.


See “Send Settings”, General Settings


Check [Max. E-




mail Size] in





Scanner Features.









Sending the data

A network error has oc-

Wait until sending is retried automati-



has failed. The

curred and a file was not

cally after the preset interval. If sending


data will be re-

sent correctly.

fails again, contact the administrator.


sent later.









Sending the data

While a file was being

Try the operation once more. If the mes-



has failed. To

sent, a network error oc-

sage is still shown, the network may be


confirm the re-

curred and the file could

crowded. Contact the administrator. If


sult, check

not be sent correctly.

multiple files were sent, use the Scanned



Files Status screen to check for which file



[Scanned Files




the problem occurred.


