Other Printing Problems

Other Printing Problems

This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for problems that can occur when printing from a computer.











The printed image is

Settings for thick pa-

• PCL 6/5e and PostScript 3




per have not been

Select [Thick] in the [Type:] list on the [Paper]




made when printing





on thick paper in the





bypass tray.




Select [Thick] in the [Paper type:] list on the





[Print Settings] tab.








The printed image is

If the [Toner saving]

For the RPCS printer driver, [Toner saving] is lo-



faded over the entire

check box is selected

cated on the [Print Quality] tab. For the PostScript





in the printer driver

3 printer driver, see PostScript 3 Supplement.



settings, the entire

See the printer driver Help.




page will be faded





when printed.









Paper is not fed from

When you are using a

Set the desired input tray using the printer



the selected tray.

Windows operating

driver. See the printer driver Help.




system, printer driver





settings override





those set using the





display panel.









The printed image is

With certain func-

In the application, change the layout, character



different from the im-

tions, such as en-

size, and character settings.



age on the computer's

largement and





reduction, image lay-





out might be different





to that on the compu-





ter display.









The printed image is

You might have se-

To print an image similar to that of the compu-



different from the im-

lected to replace Tru-

ter display, make settings to print TrueType



age on the computer's

eType fonts with

fonts as an image. See the printer driver Help.




machine fonts in the





printing process.









When printing

If the printer driver is

If you want to print accurately, set the printer



graphics, the output

configured to use the

driver to print without using the graphics com-



and the screen are

graphics command,

mand. See the printer driver Help.




the graphics com-





mand from the ma-





chine is used to print.









Images are printed in

The feed orientation

Set the machine's feed orientation and the



the wrong orienta-

you selected and the

printer driver's feed orientation accordingly.




feed orientation se-

See the printer driver Help.




lected in the printer





driver's option setup





might not be the




