Centre/border erase
A Press [Edit / Colour Creation].
B Press [Erase / Margin Adj.].
C Press [Erase].
D Press [Centre / Border].
E Set the centre and border to be erased.
Selecting [Same Width]
APress [Same Width].
BPress [Centre], and then set the erase centre width using [n] and [o].
C Press [Border], and then set the erase border width using [n] and [o].
DPress [OK].
Selecting [Diff. Width]
APress [Diff. Width].
BPress the key for the part you want to change, and then set the erase margin width using
[n] and [o].
CPress [OK].
F Press [OK] twice.
G Place the originals, and then press the {Start} key.
Margin Adjustment
You can make a binding margin.
Related default settings:
p.112 “Front Margin: Left/Right”
p.112 “Back Margin: Left/Right”
p.113 “Front Margin: Top/Bot- tom”
p.113 “Back Margin: Top/Bottom”
p.113 “1 Sided→2 Sided Auto Mar- gin: TtoT”