NaviTrack® II
the Watermark moves up accordingly to show the new highest level graphically. The Watermark, like the high- water ring in a bathtub, shows the highest level reached. This provides an additional, visual way to track the max- imum signal. The Watermark and Race Track are a single option that is off by default but can be set on in the Display Elements selection menu.
Figure 39 – Racetrack with Watermark and Pointer

No-Signal Icon
When the NaviTrack II is not receiving any meaningful sig- nal on the selected frequency it will display the mode sign with a line through it, indicating no signal is being de- tected (Figure 40). This reduces the confusion of trying to interpret the random noise in the absence of a signal.
Figure 40 – "No-Signal" Display in Sonde Mode
Center Signal Strength Option
Turning the option on in the Menu Selection screen will force the number representing Signal Strength to be dis- played in the center of the display area anytime when no Proximity Signal is available (Figure 41). This may occur when the signal is weak. When a Proximity Signal again becomes available, the Signal Strength number returns to the lower right corner of the screen as usual. (Line Trace Mode only).
Figure 41 – Signal Strength Centered
Sound Muting
This option enables the automatic muting of the sound when the Measured Depth is greater than 99 feet. If it is unchecked, the sound will not mute automatically. (Sonde Mode only)
Sound Switching
When checked this will tie sound to the Signal Strength when no Proximity Signal is available. (Trace Modes only)
Frequencies Selection Control
Additional available frequencies can be added to the list of Main Menu currently available frequencies by going to the Frequency Select
To select additional frequencies go down to the Frequency
Figure 42 – Selecting a Frequency Category
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