Color space recommended by Adobe Systems, Inc. for commercial printing. Wider range of color reproduction than sRGB. Covers most of the color range so colors only available when printed are not lost when editing images from a computer. When image is opened by
AE Metering
Brightness of subject is measured to determine exposure. In this camera, select from
The aperture increases or reduces the light beam (thickness) that passes through the lens.
Auto Bracket
For automatically changing the shooting conditions. When the shutter button is pressed, three images are shot. The first one has no compensation, the second is
Bright Portion
Over exposed area in the image loses contrast and appears white.
Camera Shake (Blur)
When the camera moves while the shutter is open, the entire image appears as if flowing. This occurs more often when shutter speed is low.
Prevent camera shake by raising the sensitivity, using the flash, and raising the shutter speed. Alternatively, use a tripod to stabilize the camera. Because camera motion causes camera shake, use the
CCD (Charge Coupled Devices)
Photography element which converts the light entering through the lens into electric signals.