Basic Shooting Operation

Holding the Camera

How you hold the camera is important when taking pictures.

-Hold the camera firmly with both hands.

-Press the shutter release button gently when taking a picture.

[ Horizontal position ]

[ Vertical position ]


To reduce camera shake, support your body or the camera on a solid object such as a table, tree, or wall. Always use the shortest practical shutter speed for hand-held shots, especially when using Zoom or Telephoto lenses.

Although there are individual differences among photographers, the slowest recommended shutter speed for a handheld camera is generally 1/(focal lengthx1.5). For example, it is 1/75 of a second for a focal length of 50 mm and 1/150 of a second for 100 mm. A tripod should be used for shutter speeds slower than this.

When using a telephoto lens, a tripod that is heavier than the total weight of the camera and lens is recommended to avoid camera shake.