Screen Burn Protection

Pixel Shift


Immediate display




Side Grey


-- The displayed image may differ depending on the model.

Message Display

MENUm OnScreen Display Message Display ENTERE

Message Display

Source Info




No Signal Message


MDC Message


Immediate display

Select the screen saver you want to display immediately.

•• Off / Pixel / Rolling bar / Fading screenSide Grey

When the screen is set to 4:3 aspect ratio, adjust the brightness of white margins on sides to protect the screen.

•• Off / Light / Dark

Source Info

Select whether to display the source OSD when the input source changes.

•• Off / On

No Signal Message

Select whether to display the no-signal OSD when no signal is detected.

•• Off / On

MDC Message

Select whether to display the MDC OSD when the product is controlled by the MDC.

•• Off / On

-- The displayed image may differ depending on the model.