Siemens 090-010 manual Configuring screens, Root screen, Tank 2, Tank

Models: 090-010

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Industry Sector, IA&DT

7.Configuring screens

A screen can consist of static and dynamic elements. Static elements, such as text and graphics, are not updated by the controller.

Dynamic elements are connected to the controller and visualize current values from the controller’s memory. Visualization can be in the form of alphanumeric displays, trends or bars. Dynamic elements are also inputs on the HMI device that are written to the controller’s memory. Tags are used for the connection with the controller.

To begin with, the four automatically generated screens are to be configured for our color mixing station.

Root screen

This screen is already set up automatically and is also defined as start screen. The entire plant is displayed here.

You can switch the operating mode or start the mixing process, the manual operation of the mixer motor and the opening of the drain valve using buttons.

The motion of the mixer and the states of the valves are displayed in graphic form. The filling capacities of the individual admixtures are indicated via input fields. Jumping to other screens should also be possible.

The "System screens" button can be used to make system settings on the panel, for example.

Tank 1

The valves from Tank 1 can be operated in manual mode in the Tank 1 screen. The maximum and minimum filling capacity can be set on the sliders. The supply and drain valve can be opened or closed using buttons (Open valve).

The valves are displayed in graphic form and change their color in the open state.

The fill level is displayed in red. When the maximum fill level has been reached, the supply valve is closed in automatic mode. If the tank is completely full, the supply valve cannot be opened.

Other buttons are used to switch to other tanks or to the root screen.

Tank 2, Tank 3

The Tank 2 and Tank 3 screens are structured like the Tank 1 screen.

The valves and the fill level of Tank 2 are displayed in green.

The valves and the fill level of Tank 3 are displayed in blue.

SCE Training Curriculum

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TIA Portal Module 090-010, Edition 03/2013


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Siemens 090-010 manual Configuring screens, Root screen, Tank 2, Tank