Adding a New User
1.Select Admin > User Config. The User Configuration page displays.
2.Click [Add]. The User Config - Add page displays.
3.Enter a new username in the User ID text box. It can be up to 128 characters and is
4.Select the desired Privilege.
5.Type the password in the Password text box and again in the Confirm New text box. The password can be up to eight ASCII characters long and is case sensitive.
6.Click [Apply]. A page displays to confirm the change.
7.Click [Close] to return to the User Configuration page.
8.Select Admin > Commit & Reboot and click [Save] to save your changes to permanent storage.
Image Upgrade
This feature allows you to upgrade the device to new firmware. After upgrading, your customized configuration will still exist and not reset to the factory defaults. To perform upgrade task, download required firmware file to your host PC and follow the steps below:
1.Select Admin > Local Image Upgrade.
2.Click [Browse] to locate the firmware file.
3.Click the [Upload] button to start upgrade and then wait for the system to complete upgrade.
Note: Do not interrupt the upgrade process otherwise it might cause damage to your router.
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