Compiling Your Particular Impulse Response

You can compile the impulse response you have produced and form a reverb program using the DASK-S704.

1 Produce the impulse response in the following conditions:

WAVE file in the stereo format

Sampling bit: 16 bits or 24 bits

Sampling frequency: 44.1 kHz, 48.0 kHz, 88.2 kHz or 96.0 kHz

2 Store the impulse response in the DASK-S704 Memory Stick. Store the data with a file name of “xx. wav” in the directory below “\mssony\pro\dre-s777\wave” of the Memory Stick. Assign a decimal number between 00 and 99 for “xx.” “xx” will be the memory number. (e.g. \mssony\pro\dre-s777\wave\04.wav)

3 Compile the impulse response.

When you display the sampled data list in the Memory Stick in step 4 on page 18, the impulse response data is shown with the memory number assigned as the file name. “WAVE file” is displayed as the memory label. Select this data when you compile.




















(03)WAVE file￿








(04)WAVE file￿














(03)Church A 1:C12￿

















Change MS


￿Please select sampled file.























The direct sound detection does not function for your particular impulse response (step 7 on page 19).
