Check the following if a message appears on the display when operating the Video Communication System.
| Message | Meaning |
| Now obtaining an IP address via DHCP. | The IP address of your system is assigned automatically by the DHCP server. If |
| the assignment is not successful, check the LAN settings. |
| Configure the DNS address or use the IP | Enter a DNS address or enter the IP address of the remote party. |
| address to dial. |
| Access to the DNS server has failed. Check | Connection to the DNS server could not be established. Check the PPPoE DNS |
| the PPPoE DNS settings. | server settings. |
| Cannot access the DNS server. Use the IP | Domain name connection could not be established. Enter the IP address of the |
| address to dial. | remote party to connect. |
| Connection to the remote party via DNS | Domain name connection could not be established. Enter the IP address of the |
| disabled. Dial using IP address. | remote party to connect. |
| The LAN cannot be used. | You cannot use the LAN connection for some reason. Check for correct cable |
| connections and verify that the LAN link LED indicators are lit. Also check the |
| network settings. |
| Communication via LAN is not available. | Check for correct cable connections and verify that the LAN link LED indicators are |
| Check LAN connection. | lit. |
| LAN configuration error. Diffserve exceeds | Set the Diffserve item in the LAN Setup menu to a value between 0 and 64. |
| the maximum value. |
| LAN configuration error. IP Precedence | Set the IP Precedence item in the LAN Setup menu to a value between 0 and 7. |
| exceeds the maximum value. |
| LAN configuration error. NAT Mode is set to | LAN connection via NAT is enabled. Check the NAT address. |
| On. Check the NAT address. |
| LAN configuration error. An address | Enter the correct NAT address from the LAN Setup menu. |
| different from the NAT router is specified. |
| Check the NAT address. |
| LAN configuration error. PPPoE is set to | The LAN connection is set to use PPPoE. A user name and password must be set. |
| On. Check the PPPoE User Name and |
| Password. |
| LAN configuration error. Fixed IP for PPPoE | Connection is set to use a fixed IP address for PPPoE. Enter the correct fixed IP |
| is set to ON. Check the PPPoE Fixed IP | address for PPPoE. |
| Address. |
| LAN configuration error. (Gatekeeper error) | Gatekeeper settings are not appropriate. |
| Check LAN configuration. |
| LAN configuration error. Gatekeeper Mode | LAN connection via gatekeeper is enabled. Enter the gatekeeper address. |
| is set to On. Enter the gatekeeper address. |
| LAN configuration error. Unauthorized NAT | The entered NAT address is not valid. Enter the correct NAT address. |
| address is specified. Check the NAT |
| address. |
| LAN configuration error. Unauthorized | The subnet mask setting is invalid. |
| network mask is set. |
| LAN configuration error. Connection is not | Connection to the remote party could not be established. Check whether there is a |
| |||
| complete as the port number overlaps. | conflict (overlap) between the “TCP port number” and “UDP port number” setting |
| |||
| |||
| in the LAN Setup menu. |
| |
| |
| |
Appendix |
| LAN configuration error. Connection is not | Connection to the remote party could not be established. Check the “TCP port |
| complete as an invalid port number is | number” and “UDP port number” setting in the LAN Setup menu. | |
| ||
| specified. |
| Upgrading the LCD driver software. Please | The LCD software version is being upgraded. Do not turn power off until the |
| wait. | upgrade process is completed. |
| PPPoE server admission fails. Dial again | Connection to the PPPoE server could not be established. Check the various |
| after confirmation of the PPPoE settings. | PPPoE settings and dial again. |
| Connection to the PPPoE server fails. | Check the DNS server settings. |
| The system is connecting to a LAN via | The system is connecting to a LAN via PPPoE. |
| PPPoE. |
108 On Screen Messages